Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Fox Gluten Free Flour

I mix up large batches of this flour to be used in my bread, pancakes, and muffin recipes.  The main complaint from the family when I buy prepackaged Bobs Red Mill is that my baked goods have a corn taste.  I am not sure why, but I have to agree.  In addition, the cost makes gluten free extremely expensive.  We invested in a food mill and this help immensely with the cost and removing the corn taste.

 The Wonder Mill was a bit expensive, but it has paid for itself.  I also buy my rice from Costco in 25 pound quantities.  This makes a lot of rice, compared 1 bag of white rice flour for $3.50 plus.
    I have ground white rice, brown rice, and oats in the Wonder Mill with wonderful results on the bread setting.

    After grinding I set up to make a flour mix using a digital scale.  I put the container on the scale and as I am adding the ingredients I hit tare to start back at zero with each new addition.  This eliminates a lot of dishes.

Oats in the Hopper
Oat Flour after Grinding

Gluten Free Flour Mix


24 ounces of White Rice  Flour
7 ounces Brown Rice
4 ounces of Potato Starch
3 ounces of Oatmeal Flour
3 ounces Tapioca Flour

Mix in container and store in the fridge.  Cost per batch is approximately$2.00.

Pancakes Finally!!!!! Decent Gluten Free, Dairy and Soy Free no corn tasting pancakes!

Okay it only took 3 years but the pancake recipe has been finalized!!!!

The questions stated over and over are:

Does it look like a pancake?
Does it cook like a pancake?
Does it taste like a pancake?
Can it freeze well and be reheated and still be a tasty pancake?

Finally I can answer yes to all of these questions.  It also does well with add ins such as blueberries and Enjoy Life  GF Soy Free Dairy Chocolate chips.

Here is the recipe:

Yields :  Approximately 8 good sized pancakes

2 cups Fox Gluten Free Flour mix (see Fox Flour blog)
1 T Coconut Flour
1 T Oat Flour
1/2 t salt
4 t. Baking Powder
1/4 c oil
2 cups Rice Milk/Coconut (mix or use just one)

Doubling works well.  Yields about 8 pancakes.

I cook on a large pancake skillet I picked up at Frys for $20.