Working At YellowstoneAs I was touring around Yellowstone I snapped a few pictures of the other side of Yellowstone. You have to always remind yourself that at Yellowstone it is another world. This place has been managed by the government for 138 years.
We saw the government workers in full action at 4p.m. They were painting the check in lanes of the campsite. The parking area is only for checking in and there are 400 sites. This is the prime time of check in. Yes, they had all morning to do this, but hey that would be too easy. The first thing they painted was the stop line. Then they had to re-route all of the RV's and trailers to one lane because the paint was wet. The photo we took was of the 3 people tackling this job with a paint roller and broom. The lady would sweep the spot that needed to be painted and then the man would roll the paint on. The guy in the middle is managing the project. We were waiting for our crazy bus trip and within 30 minutes there was a back up of 8 various trailers and RV's. Every time someone pulled up the guy with the roller would stop and tell them where to park.
This is the same day that the water pump went down in the park. The showers and laundry room were unavailable for 2 days. We sat and watched at least 50 dirty people carrying all of their shower supplies to find the dreaded sign on the door telling them no showers. I will have to say there was a lot of swearing and I thought one teenage girl was going to cry.
Men's Style
I have to say the in fashion for men is the overall. We saw so many men in overalls, I almost had to buy a pair for Gerald. Then he can look more like my favorite t.v. star Mike Holmes from Holmes on Holmes. When we were at a restaurant there was a whole booth of men in overalls. There cell phone conversations went like this, "I am eating, I can't solve the problem for you, just get the tractor and pull it out of the way!"
I had to capture this pair of overalls because they were whitewashed. I was unable to capture his footwear which was suede slippers. The amazing part is his wife was gorgeous and fit like an aerobics instructor!!!!! The next day we saw this couple again and he was sporting the shorts version of this outfit.
Limited Brain Use
In the distance, you see a ton of people who stopped their cars on the side of the road. They walked 100 feet off the road to view bears feeding on an elk. The warnings to stay in your car and have limited distance to the wildlife was all over the place. What were these people thinking.
At one point, we saw a bear cub and people were hanging out of their windows to take pictures . Of course, the car was still in the lane running and holding up 10 cars behind them. Again, what are these people thinking there was a man killed the previous week from a bear at Yellowstone.
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