Monday, June 28, 2010

Montpelier, Idaho

We started off the day around 8:30. We have mostly been traveling on the 89 which has been very scenic and at times quite harrowing. The beginning of the day we got onto the I15 and made excellent time. See the picture of the speed limit.

We couldn't even get the truck to that speed with our 5,000 lb hotel room attached. We were doing great with hardly anyone on the road, then we hit the city. Los Angeles is easier to travel through than Provo through Salt Lake City. There were miles of construction with narrow lanes and a fatal accident in which we sat for 3 miles on the freeway. At times we felt like the meat in a semi sandwich. We had semis on both sides of us that had triple trailers attached in a construction area. It was a stressful time on the road.

We stopped at McDonald's. There were no big parking spots, so we found if we parked in front of the dumpster the drive through could go around us. We got into the McDonald's and realized not one person in Utah has good taste or cooks. There was one seat open for us to sit at. When we sat down to eat a charter bus pulled in to the parking lot. One hundred Japanese tourists invaded the McDonald's and sat wherever there was a seat, even if the table was being occupied by another family. It was a mass exodus of the locals at that point. We found that we looked like the tourists, being the only Americans left in the restaurant.

We were relieved to retun to Highway89 in Brigham. We were tired and only had 62 miles left on the journey. We thought this would take a little over an hour(it took 2.5 hours). We went through the town and then there was a one lane road with switchback curves and hills that lasted 40 miles. It was a motorcyclist fantasy, unless they were behind us. The speed limit for cars was 40mph, and for us we could barely average 30mph. We had a lot of happy motorists behind us.

The best part was when you drove along Bear Lake(See Photo). The lake had to be 20 miles and you drove the coastline. There were small towns all along the way. There was plenty to look at. We arrived in Montpelier and the place is fantastic. We are along a creek in a quiet valley. There is a farm with 40 sheep and a llama that comes right to the edge of the campground.

After dinner we went to the creek outfitted with Off spray and our personal Off fans. I heard this loud sound coming down the road and it was a truck that was spraying mosquitos. My first thought was run for cover this can't be healthy. Then the sprayer turned into the KOA and did a double swathing spray of the entire campground. It was 7:00 and everyone was outside like it was no big deal.

Lexi and I by the creek after some of the mosquitos perished. Tomorrow we are going to the Oregon Trail Museum.

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